To establish a nonprofit source and resource to the residents and businesses of Medfield, Massachusetts and the surrounding area for:
community-based cultural development, entertainment and creative expression
opportunity to meet and build friendships with neighbors and other members of the theater community in the area while working together on fun, interesting activities
enhanced sense of community for all ages and types, including elderly and new residents
chance to mount challenging and enjoyable projects in a collaborative way that require a variety of contributions and skills including:
organizational / project management
hands-on building
interactive / people management
creative problem solving
opportunities to learn and improve the above
platform for tying in and / or publicizing business and civic organizations through partnership and / or advertisement in the Medfield area.
History of the Gazebo Players
What might happen if you mix together a beautiful summer's day by the Charles River, two friends who are walking a dog in the Sherborn Town Forest, a guy with a red folding chair and an Apple laptop who's sitting on King Phillip's Rock at said forest, and Tennessee Williams' "The Night of the Iguana?" Answer: the seeds of a new community theater group, the Gazebo Players of Medfield.
Charter Member Leanne Satter and her friend Beatriz "Beets" Bertrand were walking Beets' dog Bell when they came upon the surreal vision of Bob Eiland, ensconced on his red folding chair on a rocky outcropping overlooking the Charles River in Sherborn. After mutual introductions (and some good-natured ribbing), they found out Bob was working on a vision statement and production plan for "The Night of the Iguana," which Bob was about to direct at Arlington Friends of the Drama in the winter.
Leanne said she had just recently started doing theater again, for the first time since college. She and a friend, Fiona Tyndall, were about to audition for a musical review for the Franklin Performing Arts Center. Bob referred Leanne to his friend, acting coach Dossy Peabody , then told her that since he and his wife Sharlotte had moved to Medfield just a year and a half prior, he had been nursing notions of starting a theater group in the town. Leanne, who had lived in Medfield for 10 years, and Bob traded contact information, and voila! Several weeks later, on October 4, 2001, Bob and his wife Sharlotte, Leanne and a few of her friends, Fiona and Viv Tyndall, and Jean Robison, all met in Bob's and Sharlotte's family room. The Gazebo Players of Medfield were born. And initial plans were made to produce William Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream" for free in the Gazebo Park in the summer of 2002. Since 2012, The Gazebo Players have been a proud member of the Medfield Cultural District, who "provide a framework that will help local arts, humanities and science organizations improve the quality and range of their public programs."