Julius Caesar was Peter Bradley's first time directing a Gazebo show. Peter chose to present the show with an all-female cast, inverting the way that plays would have been presented in Shakespeare's day with an all-male cast. This allowed actresses a chance to play traditionally male roles. Peter also presented the show using an aesthetic reminiscent of 1930s Louisiana, hoping to evoke charismatic politicians of that period, such as Huey Long, who, like Julius Caesar, was assassinated.
Julius Caesar was performed at the Medfield Gazebo, at Choate Park in Medway, and at Bird Park in Walpole.
Cast: Brutus: Barbara Schapiro Cassius: Marianne Phinney Antony: Mary Parker Caesar: Chip Winslow Casca/Messala: Fabiana Cabral Decius Brutus/Clitus: Cynthia Small Portia/Octavius: Amanda Darrigo Cinna/Lucillus: Amanda Dausman Trebonius/Pindarus: Julie Tidemand Calpurnia/Titinius: Suzanne Greenwald Cobbler/Caesar’s Servant/Second Citizen/Volumnius: Mei-Lin Po Soothsayer/Artemidorus/Fourth Citizen/Dardanius: Marielle Boudreau Lucius/Cinna the Poet/First Soldier: Juli Small Metellus Cimber/Third Citizen: Mary Fleming Carpenter/Antony's Servant/First Citizen/Cicero: Debbi Finkelstein
Crew: Assistant Director: Benjamin Medeiros Producer: Amy Klesert Stage Manager: Steve Small Sound: Cameron Small